The Ragdoll is a medium sized cat breed with a long and plush coat. Colorings that normally show up within the
breed include: seal, blue, chocolate, lilac, red, and cream; with diverse patterns and shadings including:
bi-color, colorpoint, and mitted. They are a playful and affectionate breed that thrives well within a lively
home, and enjoy being in families with children and other pets. They are equally open to visitors. Radgolls are
adoring and spirited, enjoying following her family around and learning to play games like fetch. This breed is a
longhair breed, which means they tend to shed a bit more. Ragdolls in particular shed moderately through summer
and winter, and shed a bit more in spring and fall — requiring regular brushing and grooming. This breed has an
average lifespan of 12 - 17 years of age, and an average weight of 4.5kg to nearly 7kg. Ragdoll cats love spending
their days being adored by their families!
To find out more about their health and diets: click

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